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Our Aims and Values

A happy, church school that nurtures the unique talents of individuals and brings them together so that ‘ they will soar on wings like eagles’

(Isaiah 40:31)

nurture, together, soar

Our School Aim Statement

  • To develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for all children to become confident, independent, self-disciplined and enthusiastic learners.
  • To provide a happy, supportive, creative and purposeful learning environment for all.
  • To maintain a positive and constructive partnership with parents and carers, to enable all children to reach both their academic and social potential.
  • To serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice, and by promoting wider community links in order for children to understand and develop their role in society.
  • To preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.

At St Lawrence we will ...

  • Ensure children feel included, secure and valued
  • Build on what the children already know and can do
  • Work in partnership with parents and carers 
  • Plan activities and experiences that develop children's experience of their world
  • Ensure children are in a well-planned and well-organised learning environment that provides rich and stimulating experiences
  • Use a variety of teaching strategies adapted to our children and catering to their needs and abilities
  • Be a safe and supportive learning environment
  • Monitor children’s progression and assess through observation, and children’s work
  • Set reasonable targets and goals for each individual child